Work with Me

Individual Coaching


1:1 nutritional & wellbeing guidance to help you achieve your goals.

I know what it’s like to feel like frustrated, defeated, and trapped on the diet hamster wheel. Individual coaching is like working with a personal trainer for all of your wellness needs. This individualized deep dive will explore you health history and lifestyle, establish attainable and actionable goals and provide personalized recommendations based on what is right for you. I will be there every step of the way to hold you accountable, help you discover food freedom, and create lasting lifestyle changes. Program includes:

  • Bi-Weekly 50 minute coaching calls (for 3 or 6 months) to check in on progress, discuss coaching recommendations, and set goals along with a detailed action plan for the next weeks

  • 24/7 texting with me, as needed- you’re never alone in this journey!

  • Customized handouts including recipes, PDFs, book recommendations, and more

  • A fully customized program catered to your individual needs

$150/hr, ($220/mo with 6 mo package)

Corporate Coaching


Corporate Wellness Workshops

Studies show that there is a direct correlation between healthy employees and work productivity. In today’s fast-paced, work-obsessed, and tech-enabled culture, it is essential to assess the health and wellbeing of a company’s workforce, in order to yield greater profitability, employee satisfaction, retention rate, and engagement.

As an entrepreneur, and previous CEO of a marketing agency & events company, I’ve experienced the detrimental effects of burnout firsthand. I feel honored to now help educate and guide forward-thinking leaders and businesses in implementing manageable, sustainable, and impactful practices to optimize, not only the business, but the lives of their valued employees.